CRELLT (Center for Research on English Language Learning and Teaching) collaborates with research centers across the globe who share similar interests about language learning and teaching . Collaborators include:
Housed at Mälardalen University, MIND (Mälardalen INteraction and Didactics) research group aims at investigating discursive and interactional practices embedded in teaching and learning activities. MIND investigates pedagogical interactions and practices by focusing on audio, audio-visual, and digital data with a micro-analytic perspective (e.g. using discursive methodologies like multimodal Conversation Analysis) and with a broader, ethnographic understanding.
Housed at Teachers College, Columbia University, LANSI (The Language And Social Interaction Working Group) brings together like-minded colleagues in the larger metropolitan area of New York who work with audio/video-recorded data from naturally occurring interaction. Through regularly held data sessions, LANSI offers a forum in which participants continue to build their analytical repertoire via mutual engagement over time.