The Center for Research on English Language Learning and Teaching (CRELLT) conducts research on the multimodal (interactional, linguistic, prosodic, nonverbal, textual, visual etc.) constitution of teaching, learning and other practices found in a range of L2 classroom contexts using the micro analytic methods of conversation analysis and interactional linguistics.
Since 2014, the CRELLT team has been working is the construction of Corpus of English for Academic and Professional Purposes (CEAPP). CEAPP is a growing digital repository of classroom videos linked to transcripts. Its twofold purpose is to advance research on L2 teaching and learning, and to serve as resource for the training of L2 teachers and international teaching assistants. CEAPP is open for public use by L2 researchers, undergraduate and graduate students L2 teachers and teacher educators.
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For information on how to register for an account to use CEAPP.
For additional information on the research projects undertaken by the CRELLT team.
For more information about CRELLT and CEAPP, please contact Joan Kelly Hall, jkh11[at]psu.edu.
The Center is affiliated with the Department of Applied Linguistics at the Pennsylvania State University.