Housed in the College of the Liberal Arts and affiliated with the Department of Applied Linguistics, the Corpus of English for Academic and Professional Purposes (CEAPP) functions as a digital repository that provides corpus resources and searchable capabilities for advancing the Department’s established scholarly focus on the teaching and learning of ESL, as well as New Professoriate Initiatives focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) courses. To explore the database, please visit https://ceapp.la.psu.edu/.
To cite CEAPP, please use the following (in APA format):
Corpus of English for Academic and Professional Purposes. (2014). Corpus of videos and
accompanying transcripts from educational contexts. Unpublished raw data.
Looney, S. D. (2019). Co-operative Action: Addressing Misunderstanding and Displaying Uncertainty in the Undergraduate Physics Lab. In A Transdisciplinary Approach to International Teaching Assistants: Perspective from Applied Linguistics, S. D. Looney and S. Bhalla (eds). Bristol, U.K.: Multilingual Matters.
Looney, S. D. & Kim, J. (2019). Managing Disaligning Responses: Sequence and Embodiment in Third Turn Teases. In The Embodied Work of Teaching, J. K. Hall and S. D. Looney (eds). Bristol, U.K.: Multilingual Matters.
Looney, S. D. & Kim, J. (2018). Humor, uncertainty, and affiliation: Cooperative and co-operative action in the university science lab. Linguistics and Education, 46, 56-69. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.linged.2018.06.003
Kimura, D., & Kazik, N. (2017). Learning in-progress: On the mediating role of gesture in microgenetic development of L2 grammar. Gesture, 16(1).
Kimura, D., Mattson, N. & Amory, M. (2017). A conversation analytic approach to oral placement test validation. TESOL Journal.
Looney, S. D., Jia, D. & Kimura, D. (2017). Self-Directed Okay in Mathematics Lectures. Journal of Pragmatics, 107 (1), 46-59.
Matsumoto, Y., & Dobs, A. M. (2017). Pedagogical gestures as interactional resources for teaching and learning tense and aspect in the ESL grammar classroom. Language Learning, 1-36.
Hall, J.K. & Smotrova, T. (2013), Teacher self-talk: Interactional resource for managing instruction and eliciting empathy, Journal of Pragmatics, 47, 75-92
Hall, J.K., Khor, S.Y, & Wang, T. (2019, May), The linguistic formatting of request sequences: A usage- based understanding of the systematic relationship between teacher questions and student responses. Paper presented at ICOP-L2 conference, Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden
Hall, J. K. & Looney, S. D. (2019, March), The role of self-talk in displaying an L2 teacher’s epistemic stance toward English grammar. 2019 AAAL conference, Atlanta, GA
He, Y. & Wang, T. (2019, March). Oh yeah, I HAVE heard of them – Practices to claim higher epistemic stance with absolute K-epistemic status. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Association for Applied Linguistics. Atlanta, GA.
Looney, S. D. (2019, February). Addressing Student Questions in the Science Lab: A Module for ITAs. ITA Professionals Symposium. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
Hall, J.K. (October, 2018).The specialized work of L2 teaching. Seoul National University of Education, Seoul, S. Korea
Hall, J.K. (2018, October). Downgrading epistemic certainty, Sogang University, Seoul, S. Korea
Looney, S. D. & He, Y. (2018, October). Third turn laughter: Managing delayed and disaligning responses. Paper presented at the 8th Annual Language and Social Interaction Working Group (LANSI). Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City.
Looney, S. D. (2018, July). Embodied action in pre-expansion sequences in a university physics lab: The Embodied Interactional Accomplishment of Teaching. 5th International Conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA). Loughborough University, Loughborough, U.K.
Looney, S. D. (2018, March) Sequence and Embodied Action in STEM Classrooms: Implications for ITA Practice. Plenary, ITA Professionals Symposium, University of Pittsburgh.
Looney, S. D., & Kim, J. (2017, March). Humor, Affiliation, and Interactional Competence in University STEM Classroom Interaction. AAAL. Portland, OR.
Looney, S. D., & Kim, J. (2017, July). Humor and IREs in a University Science Classroom. International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis (IIEMCA). Otterbein University, Columbus, OH.
Kim, J. (2016, April). Gaze, gesture, and body movement: ESL students’ use of nonverbal conduct to interject in class discussion. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Association for Applied Linguistics, Orlando, Florida.
Kimura, D., Mattson, N., & Amory, M. D. (2016, April). Improving oral placement tests: A conversation analysis approach. Paper presented at TESOL International Convention & English Language Expo. Baltimore, Maryland.
Looney, S. (2016, April). Pre-expansion in university physics labs. ITA-IS Academic Session. Paper presented at Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) International Convention & English Language Expo. Baltimore, MD.
Hall, J.K. (April, 2015), Interactional practices and actions for dealing with troubles in (L2) teaching-and-learning, Invited Speaker, Language Resource Center Invited Speaker Series, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Hall, J.K. (2015, February), Dealing with troubles in the L2 classroom: Challenges to teachers’ epistemic status, Invited Speaker, TESOL Language and Linguistics Speakers Series, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.
Hall, J.K. (2014, November), Interactional practices and actions comprising L2 teaching-and-learning, Invited Speaker, College of the Arts and Sciences, University of Miami, Miami, FL
Hall, J. K. (2011, October), The constant touch, Plenary for the 1stLANSI conference, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY.
For more publications and presentations by Center for Research on English Language Learning and Teaching (CRELLT), please go to https://crellt.la.psu.edu/research